The Lifeline assistance program is a government program that provides discounts on monthly telephone and internet charges for qualified subscribers. You may qualify to save as much as $8.75 per month on your telephone charges, $9.25 per month on internet or $12.75 per month on your bundled services. Discounts are restricted to one per household and may not be transferred to another person, even if he or she is eligible.

Lifeline Assistance Program

Step 1

Click Here to use the Lifeline National Verifier to enter your information, create an account, and see if you qualify.

Lifeline Assistance Program

Step 2

Once you receive confirmation that you qualify, click the Sign-Up button below and fill out the form. Qualifying customers must present verification of eligibility during application. Choose whether you would like to apply the discount to voice or internet services.

Name (Enter name exactly as it was entered on National Verifier site)
Date of Birth
Last 4 Numbers of Social
Application ID
If the qualifying person that was used on the National Verifier Site is a dependent, please include their first and last name, last 4 digits of their social security number and their Date of birth.
Physical Address
Are you an existing customer?
Home Telecom Account #
Mailing Address
Eligibility Program(s)
Apply Discount To

My household receives only one Lifeline-supported service, and to the best of my knowledge, no one in my household receives Lifeline from another company. *I understand that I must notify the company within 30 days if: (1) I move to a new address, (2) I, or the eligible person in my household, no longer meets the program or income eligibility criteria, (3) my household receives more than one Lifeline-discounted service, or (4) my household, for any reason, no longer meets the criteria to receive Lifeline support, and that I may be penalized for failing to make the above notifications. *I give the company permission to release to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) or its agent any records required to confirm that my household only receives one Lifeline benefit. If USAC finds that my household receives more than one Lifeline benefit, USAC will notify the companies, and I will have to select one service and I will be de-enrolled from the other. *I understand that I must recertify my Lifeline eligibility every year and that I will lose my Lifeline benefit if I do not recertify each year. *I understand that Lifeline is a government program and I may be punished if I knowingly provide false or untrue information to receive Lifeline. Punishment may include being fined, imprisoned, or barred from the Lifeline program.

For more information call 888-746-4482

Lifeline Assistance Program

Have Questions?

Am I eligible for these discounted telephone or internet rates?

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Medicaid
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)
  • Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
  • Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
  • Tribal Head Start
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
  • Income Based
    • Consumers may qualify for the Lifeline program if they have a gross household income at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

The table below reflects 135% of the 2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG):

Household Size Income
1 person $20,331
2 people $27,594
3 people $34,857
4 people $42,120
5 people $49,383
6 people $56,646
7 people $63,909
8 people $71,172
For each additional person, add $7,263

*One benefit per household*

To view the complete list of requirements, click here.

Lifeline is a federal benefit that makes monthly telephone or broadband internet service more affordable for eligible households. Eligible households may apply the monthly Lifeline discount to either broadband internet service (home or wireless) or phone service (home or wireless) but not both. Your household may not receive the Lifeline benefit from more than one company. For the purpose of Lifeline, a household is an individual or any group of individuals who live together at the same address and share income and expenses. You may not transfer your Lifeline discount to another person, even if he or she is eligible. You may lose your Lifeline benefit and may be prosecuted by the United States government if you violate the one-per-household rule or otherwise make false statements to receive Lifeline. Discounted Lifeline service is currently available in certain areas where Home Telecom has been approved to provide such services.

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