Mr. R. O. Winter and five other Berkeley County investors purchased and installed six telephones in buildings around Moncks Corner. There was no office, maintenance, or long distance service and certainly no money to be made. It was a community service to catalyze the town’s growth and communications. Within six years, however, demand for the “newfangled” telephone was enough to justify an actual business and St. John’s Telephone Company was formed. The operator was none other than R. O. Winter’s wife, Mary Winter, who was paid a whopping $10 per month.
Coast-to-coast long distance telephone service was established.

After R. O. Winter’s death in 1916, the company was sold to the local electric company, owned by Corbett Packaging.
Mary Winter, now Mary Briscoe after remarrying, buys back the company she started with her late husband and changes the name to Home Telephone Company. Mary Winter reflected years later that this was to be, “the biggest job a little gray-haired widow ever saw.”
Mary Winter sold the company to her daughter and son-in-law, Thelma and S. S. “Shellie” Helmly. The post-war boom drastically increased the demand for telephone service and the Helmly’s brought their sons, Robert and Dozier, into the business to help meet the needs of the ever-increasing Berkeley County population.

When Robert and Dozier Helmly began managing the company in 1962, they developed a vision for the future that combined the company’s 58-year tradition of community service with a commitment to seek out and implement the very finest technologies available.
The goal was simple and straightforward: To provide Home Telephone customers with service on par with that of global telecommunications companies while maintaining the company’s reputation for local involvement, leadership and service.
Cable TV begins to become more mainstream with more networks becoming available. Much like the need-driven reason that Home Telephone began installing telephone lines in their community, Home Telephone began offering Cable TV services to make sure their community could receive this cutting edge technology.

Home Telephone begins offering internet to households. That is 5 years before even one third of the country had access to internet.
Home Telephone services are installed in North Charleston.
William S. Helmly, Robert Helmly’s son, took over as President and COO while Robert continued to operate as CEO and Vice Chair. Over the years, Home Telephone has deployed some of the most advanced technologies available allowing the company to provide services such as Video, Internet, Security and Home Automation. With the company’s advancements in technology, its continuing mission was to maintain the framework of a local, customer-focused company and to maintain a common message. With the purchase of Daniel Island Media, Home Telecom became one of the first telecommunication companies in the nation to begin offering Fiber-to-the-home services.

Home Telephone Company begins offering 24/7 Security Monitoring services.
Home Telephone started deploying FTTP in new development opportunity areas and upgrading our coax and copper plant with fiber.
Home Telephone’s management team decided a more descriptive and consistent name was in order. On January 1, 2011, Home Telephone began doing business as Home Telecom. William S. Helmly, President and COO stated, “The corporate name change enables us to more effectively communicate the value our company provides to our customers.”

Announced first gigabit community in the state with our partnership with Nexton. Home Telecom became the first to offer gigabit internet speed in SC.
Home Telecom launched MyWiFi and MyWiFi PRO to residential and business customers.
Berkeley County Mobile Library powered by Home Telecom WiFi became operational. This initiative provided surrounding areas with access to library resources where they previously had none.
In June, Berkeley Community Partners, Berkeley Chamber of Commerce, and Home Telecom announced Berkeley County as a "Certified Connected Community". They were the 8th certified connected community in SC.

Completed the conversion of our Video television system to an all-digital platform and turned off the analog signal to our cable TV system.
Began the process of providing service to the Charleston Peninsula. William S. Helmly becomes new CEO.
Home Telecom services are installed in North Charleston.

Home Telecom begins expanding Fiber network into Summerville with the launch of GigUP TriCounty.
On January 26, 2023, Home Telecom crossed the 40,000 customers served mark.