Bonneau / St. Stephen Local Telephone Service
Digital Voice Service
Home Telecom Digital Voice is a high-quality voice service with all the features and clarity you expect from traditional home telephone service. Easy to use and reliable, Digital Voice is delivered over our advanced, private broadband network.
Single Line: $18.54 per month
Includes Local Calling to and from these areas:
St. Stephen Area | Exchanges |
Bonneau | 247 |
Pineville | 663 |
St. Stephen | 749 |
Does not include the Federal Universal Service Charge, Emergency Preparation Charge, or the Telecommunications Relay Services Charge.
Local Zone Calling
We realize that many people in our service area make many - if not most - of their "long distance" calls to areas close to home. So, we offer Local Zone Calling, a service to enable you to call within certain "zones" (also referred to as LATAs - Local Access Transport Areas) at lower rates.
Within Local Zone Calling:
- You dial the 10-digit telephone number you're calling. If you dial 1+ the Area Code, your call will be charged at your regular long distance rate.
- Call detail is provided unless you select the Flat Rate Option.
- Local Zone Calling is a one-way, outgoing service.
- Each telephone line you have requires its own option
- There is no installation or setup charge.
Measured 3.5¢ Option - 50¢ per month:
All calls made within your Local Calling Zone using seven or 10-digit dialing are only 3.5¢ per minute.
Flate Rate Option:
Unlimited calling to the Tri-County area (Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester Counties) and the Coastal Calling Zone (see map) for $14.60 per month. The Flat Rate Option is not available in the Midlands Calling Zone (Harleyville customers.)
SafeGuard Wire Plan: $6.25 per month
Electronic Letter of Authorization
To learn more about Digital Voice and 10-digit dialing see the Digital Voice FAQs.