Improving Rural Connectivity: Overcoming the Barriers to Fast Internet
Internet service is no longer a luxury but a necessity for many Americans. Whether telehealth services for rural areas or helping rural businesses or schools, rural connectivity is vital to today’s society.
Rural connectivity access is also rapidly becoming necessary for various industries, including mining, agricultural production, forestry and manufacturing. It is a catalyst for improving communication in rural areas.
According to the Federal Communications Commission and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 22.3 percent of rural areas and 27.7 percent of Tribal lands lack broadband coverage compared to only 1.5 percent of urban areas.
Rural Connectivity Across America
The USDA has been working to invest in rural telecommunications for decades. Through loans and grants, it has poured hundreds of millions of dollars yearly into rural connectivity programs.
South Carolina Rural Connectivity
Home Telecom services many rural areas throughout South Carolina. In 2021, Home Telecom was selected as a provider by The Rural Broadband Association as a Smart Connected Community℠.
Over the years, Home Telecom has strived to provide rural connectivity to the Lowcountry area, Charleston, Dorchester and Berkeley counties. Kicking off in 2025, Home Telecom will further upgrade and improve rural connectivity in more areas of both Dorchester and Berkeley counties.
Home Telecom has received numerous grants, which have made fiber expansion in South Carolina, especially in rural areas, possible.