NTCA Rural Broadband Association Presents Home Telecom With The NTCA Smart Rural Community Award


Charleston, SC- On Tuesday September 27th, 2016, the NTCA- The Rural Broadband Association awarded Home Telecom the NTCA Smart Rural Community Award.  This award recognizes a company that embodies the Smart Rural Community principles, ensuring that rural communities remain vibrant locations to call home and do business.
Eleven other rural communities in the United States were recognized along with Home Telecom. The purpose of the NTCA Smart Rural Community initiative is to foster the development of smart communities throughout rural America and Canada, by encouraging and recognizing areas that support innovation. These innovative efforts include implementation of broadband solutions and access to next-generation applications for distance learning, telehealth services, public safety, and security. The Smart Rural Community initiative recognizes top-performing communities and rewards these areas, while providing educational programming and matching grant resources.
NTCA Smart Rural Community award recipients were recognized at a gathering in Indianapolis of more than 1,100 rural telecom leaders. Upon receiving this national and local recognition for their extraordinary efforts, Home Telecom is now teaming up with prior year recipients of this award to together formulate best practices in an effort to assist other rural communities in the implementation of advanced broadband-enabled solutions. The main goal of this initiative will be to drive economic development and innovative vision in rural communities across the nation.
William S. Helmly, President and COO, and H. Keith Oliver, Executive Vice President and NTCA Board Member, accepted the award with great pride and extended recognition to all of the Home Telecom employees for their hard work, dedication, and eyes for innovation.
For more information about the initiative, visit https://www.ntca.org/.
Home Telecom, an independent telecommunications company based in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, offers high-speed Internet, voice, video, wireless Internet data access, data security solutions, and specialized bundles for residential, businesses and home offices. As an integrated communications provider utilizing multiple technologies, most notably fiber-to-the-premises, Home Telecom serves a large portion of the South Carolina Low country, including Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester Counties. To learn more, visit HOMESC.COM
CONTACT: Gina Shuler | 843.761.9178 | Gina.Shuler@HomeTelcom.com

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